Hell Demonio


(Wallace records)

MARK: 82/100


10 songs for 26 minutes of energetic Rock from the Verona subverting band at its second effort trying to do its best to catch our attention, and releasing a CD accompanied by a white jewelcase and artwork for most of the pages, whose lyrics I advise you to read in full daylight or it'll be almost impossible without losing sight grades.
Hell Demonio, like the monicker suggests, is an act which likes to play with words and all the lyrics and titles are based on such funny word contrasts, quotes and repetitions.
If you're in search of that sort of Rock that has distingushed itself thanks to the bulk of recent Scandinavian heroes, as well as icons such as The Stooges, Ac/DC, The Germs, then this record is for you, also due to a solid production and a masterful mastering by CMS from Chicago that doesn't kill dynamics during the compression processes and stresses out the fast bass lines all the time ("Message in A Butthole", "Foresaking My Husband Years").
Although there're 2 instrumental tracks, the vocals take the lion's share in this album, often adrenalinic but sometimes quixotic or even catathonic (some compared them to Atombombpocketknife's), whereas the guitars plot their nervous riffs and breaks ("Sparkling Tangled Knots").
How resist the overwhelming madness of "Mr. Jesus, You Are Such A Wonderful Dancer" or the articulated "Hey, Trucker, Listen to My Demotape on Your Long Silent Journeys", proving the Veneto combo is able to shuffle the cards and blend melody, tight drum rhythms and unexpected musical solutions, belying those who accuse them of creating songs similar to one another, with "From Hawaii to Hell" there to deliver a further confirmation to my analysis.
Lovers of Faraquet, The Blood Brothers, Fugazi, The Nation Of Ulysses, Jesus Lizard, Rye Coalition and so forth will meet their match, too, but these 10 tracks are open to other fans unaccustomed to Post-rock, Scan-rock and the likes (my grandma loves to knit to "Discography").


Line-up on this record:
Andrea Signorini
Tommaso Gorla
Alessio S
Riccardo Orlandi
Giovanni Marini - b. on one track

Verona - Italy

Official site:

-Greatest Hits
(CD- 2005)
-Discography (CD - 2008)